Honestly... No. Although, if I could look out my window and see this, I might give it more thought...
TBH, I have too much stuff, too many projects going at once. MAKE ALL THE THINGS!
It would be fabulous to have an art studio like that, though, and I know I could probably stay in one temporarily.
Could I live in a house like that with someone else? It depends on who it is, but it might end in homicide.
Now, fix this baby up completely...
And put it here...
And then take this...
And put it out in the woods a quarter mile further for an art studio...
And you would have my cup of tea. Perfectly.
And I would sit happily out there on that balcony all night in a big chair wrapped in a big fluffy blanket with a large thermos of tea. Or go hide in my cozy art studio.
And walk in the woods at night whenever I felt like it.
And people might never see me again, and I would live there contentedly until I died.
The End.