In every thread of yours, i have always heard you complainin on how to get a girlfriend, or like this one your worrying if you will be alone forever..
Im about to lay it out for you... so pay attention, this is good advice...
Girls we want three basic things out of a guy were dating: For you to actually listen. None of this ... huh wait.. what did you say.. or when did you tell me that! When in reality you just told him like five seconds ago. Act like your paying attention at least.. Ask questions, be engaged in the conversation...
Second, You have to tell her you think shes pretty or whatever word you wanna use, i would stay away from the word cute when talking about her looks though. None of this assuming she already knows.. You have to saaaaaay it, and more than once every six months. Thats a big thing for us right there, if your dating a girl and wont tell her you think shes pretty, and some other guy comes along and is always sayin it and doin what your not. You can pretty much kiss her bye bye..
Third, We wanna feel like you like us... or love us... which ever stage it is your at... You have to do things that show it. Most guys totally miss that one. Oh sure you can say i like you i love you whatever all you want, but if your actions arent backin it up, you might as well not even say it. We like to see whats comin out your mouth, not hear it. Dont make the girl do everything first, we like to be called, and text all that stuff...without us always having to be the one to do it first. So if you do it on your own without us having to prompt you in some way.. thats major points..... Well except for if your calling and breathing into the phone at weird hours of the night, but then again some chicks might really dig that..
No joke if you can get these three things down.... Your set