Lol..... You are my soul brother without a doubt...... Batman ain't no better man on here than this fella right here... With Utah at your back you can't go wrong.......... Ever...... Prayer no problem.......... As far as advice..... I don't know how good it would be......... But be yourself....... Don't say the hard words unless you truly mean them.... The hard words; love, affection, heart, truth,...... Say what's in your heart but be careful not to give it.... Some people don't understand when you do and then they rip it to shreads...... Remember the person your talking to is always a lady.... ((it better be a lady))...... Don't be the average guy...... Cows boys for example, we're kinda out there, always want to do something to touch a gala heart and leave a lasting impression.... Remember its never about you, it's always about them..... It's not what you think they might like..... Stop.. Listen to their words.... That's how it should be.......