OK, I'll have a second more serious stab at this. Some of the above statements are very wise and insightful, much of it drawn from hard-won experience in life and you should pay attention to that and consider and meditate on it deeply. But their is another factor as well that is very important to bear in mind. 1 Corinthians 15 is my favourite chapter in the Bible, for a number of interconnected reasons, it starts with Paul's summing up of the creed he received in Jerusalem (adding in his own witnessing of Jesus physical resurrection at the end), accounting His death, burial and resurrection and those who witnessed this, and how this was according to the Scriptures, not just individual prophesies but rather it was according to the whole narrative of the OT Scriptures, His death, burial and resurrection was the completely unexpected place the story was going all along, and was the climax of the purposes and calling of Israel. Paul then proceeded to discuss the nature of the resurrection body to come and discusses both the discontinuities with our present bodies (they will be transformed, changed and be incorruptible and immortal) but through it all he stresses to the deep continuity with our present selves. These bodies, from them their information and their transformation, just like the Lord's, we will have our new bodies, our new selves to come, the mortal shall put on immortality. And with this Paul ends this section not that it's all ok then, but following this logic, he ends with (1 Corinthians 15:58), 'therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain.' And then Paul immediately talks of the collection for the church suffering from famine in Jerusalem, and their need.
And here is the point, the reason Paul makes this point from he's previous discussion on the resurrection, is that everything we do in and through our bodies for the Lord, by the Holy Spirit, every act of love and kindness, every sacrifice and act of self-sacrificial service done in His Name, our lives of selfless love, faithfulness and true holiness done in and through our bodies will be taken up, stored by Him (treasure in heaven) for the day of His appearing. And they will be made in ways we can't even imagine part of that fully restored, rescued and renewed world the new age comes in it's fullness, when the twin spheres of God's good creation, heaven and earth, are joined fully together as He always intended, the heavenly Jerusalem coming to the Earth at last, the glory of God filling the Earth as the waters covers the seas, and the new creation that started in Him at first Easter releases, renews and transforms the whole cosmos. And that will included us, as we are raised and transformed when He appears to be like as He is, and all we have done through and for him, the lives we lived for Him will become apart of who are are then, right now we are just shadows of our future selves being renewed, guided and lead by His Spirit, but then we will be the full, beautiful, unique and special human beings we were always meant to be.
So because of the resurrection, because of the new heavens and earth, because this is what your future will be, this is way the call to a life of love, faithfulness and holiness in and for the Lord is so important, the body is for the Lord, and it will be raised by Him on that future day. So what you do with it for him matters, immensely, though there is always forgiveness, cleansing and renewal is is by far better to go through and let Him work the build you and those around you for the future without damaging detours that you will need to be restored from.
God bless you and guide in His love and wisdom