How are we defining a relationship? I'm going to tell you about my first love.( younger folks. please close your ears) I had mentioned in my bio that I was in a musical in high school. My parents felt that the relationship with my drama teacher was in-appropriate . Sent me to live with my father's sister in Port St. Lucie .
New world for me. Humidity! I was a senior in high school. I went on dates with girls. But there was one girl that moved into town. Her mother worked for my aunt in a beauty salon. This was the first, last, and only time I went on a blind date. I refused. My aunt told me that one of her friends daughter moved back with her. Anyhow I ended up calling her. set up a date. When she opened the door I said to myself. Lord, let this be her. It was! It's late, I'll continue tomorrow...
New world for me. Humidity! I was a senior in high school. I went on dates with girls. But there was one girl that moved into town. Her mother worked for my aunt in a beauty salon. This was the first, last, and only time I went on a blind date. I refused. My aunt told me that one of her friends daughter moved back with her. Anyhow I ended up calling her. set up a date. When she opened the door I said to myself. Lord, let this be her. It was! It's late, I'll continue tomorrow...
The next day When I called. She was sent back to Pennsylvania, I did'nt here from her until 3 years later. My aunt called me and asked if she could give me her number. She called and asked if we could meet. Of coarse I was dating a girl at the time.( I was insecure, could never be alone.). Any way she called. told me she had business in D.C. If we could meet. I told her no. I knew if I was to have seen her , I would have never returned.Anyhow. That was my first love....
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