Ok you have faced nice cinder, and satirical cinder, now prepare for brutally honest cinder:
YOU have issues. You can't find a decent woman to be interested in you because you are not the type of man a decent, secure in who she is and mature woman would ever go for. If your previous two wife hunting threads have not convinced you of this, then someone will have to tell you this to your face. Desperation is neither attractive nor Christian ( it demonstrates a lack of faith that God is sufficient as your all in all). Furthermore, you do not come across as a godly man. A theology degree will not make you godly. You come across as arrogant instead of humble, judgmental instead of loving, antagonistic instead of peacemaking, and quick to take offense when someone disagrees with you. You also tend to debate by personally attacking the character of those who disagree with you which is a completely inappropriate way to debate.
Why would a godly woman be interested in such a man? She won't. Not ever. The only way you will attract a godly woman is to humble yourself before the Lord and let him transform you into a godly man. Get a godly mentor and let God go to work on your character and make you a man that any woman would be blessed to know and spend her life with. As a singles community we'd even be willing to help you with this, but we can't do anything if you continue in your arrogance.
I know that sounds harsh, and like I have said before I bear you no ill will and hope that one day you do become a happily married humble, godly man. Most of that is between you and God though so please stop blaming women or feminism for personal problems that are mostly due to your character and personality.
To those who think I have been too harsh, please see his first and second wife hunting threads before drawing your conclusions. This is far from my first encounter with the OP.
YOU have issues. You can't find a decent woman to be interested in you because you are not the type of man a decent, secure in who she is and mature woman would ever go for. If your previous two wife hunting threads have not convinced you of this, then someone will have to tell you this to your face. Desperation is neither attractive nor Christian ( it demonstrates a lack of faith that God is sufficient as your all in all). Furthermore, you do not come across as a godly man. A theology degree will not make you godly. You come across as arrogant instead of humble, judgmental instead of loving, antagonistic instead of peacemaking, and quick to take offense when someone disagrees with you. You also tend to debate by personally attacking the character of those who disagree with you which is a completely inappropriate way to debate.
Why would a godly woman be interested in such a man? She won't. Not ever. The only way you will attract a godly woman is to humble yourself before the Lord and let him transform you into a godly man. Get a godly mentor and let God go to work on your character and make you a man that any woman would be blessed to know and spend her life with. As a singles community we'd even be willing to help you with this, but we can't do anything if you continue in your arrogance.
I know that sounds harsh, and like I have said before I bear you no ill will and hope that one day you do become a happily married humble, godly man. Most of that is between you and God though so please stop blaming women or feminism for personal problems that are mostly due to your character and personality.
To those who think I have been too harsh, please see his first and second wife hunting threads before drawing your conclusions. This is far from my first encounter with the OP.