Hey Everyone,
Most of us remember that the thread title is a song lyric -- so if we put a practical twist to the words, how often do we find that this applies to our own lives?
A while back, I was talking to a friend and started to say something like this: "I think things went well..." to which he dryly interjected, "Except that I'm sensing a big 'BUT' is about to be dropped." Eventually, he went on to point out that a good number of my stories start out the exact same way, only to have a big BUT plopped down immediately after the first sentence.
How many of us do this all the time?
* "I really like so-and-so, BUT."
* "I want to find another job, BUT."
* "I want to lose weight, BUT."
* "I want to get out there and find someone, BUT."
* "I want to go back to school and better myself, BUT."
To be honest, I didn't even realize how many times I say "BUT" after making a statement, and it's really had me thinking about what kinds of excuses and/or negativity I've allowed into my daily thinking, and what I need to do about it.
I really wanted to work out this morning in order to clear my head first, BUT, here I am, writing out a thread idea on CC.

How about the rest of you?
* What are some of the biggest BUT's in your life, and how did they get there?
* Why do you hang on to your BUT's? Do they protect you from things you'd rather not face? Do the goals you want to achieve seem too far out of reach? What would put them more within reach?
* What steps are you taking to get rid of some of the biggest BUT's in your life, or at least, shrink the down a little?
I'm really hoping to get rid of a few BUT's in my own life... What about you?