The problem with women "working"...
Yeah, but the reason for this...
You are making a huge assumption...
This is not an assumption. ...
High inflation has happened...
I get what you're saying, ...
However, if there is an increase...
I think women entering the workforce...
It would take so many hours of post writing to even begin to touch upon all of the issues, facets, and aspects of this...
However, at the very core-of-it-all is the fact that the idea of "doing things God's way" is being pushed aside and forgotten. And, what you see when you look at the world today is the display of the vivid evidence of what happens when you choose to ignore God and not do things His way.
Now -
God knew that (for example) there would be women having to work to maintain life and health for themselves and their children - and, "allowance" was/is made for this by God. However,
the fact that this is a reality does not do away with the importance, significance, and necessity of doing things God's way.
IF we (mankind)
actually did things God's way, things like this
would not be a reality.
If you disagree with this statement, then you are not looking at the whole picture.
A truly appropriate addressing of this issue
must consider "backing up far enough" to see the whole forest and not just a few of the trees.
All-too-often people just like to look at their favorite tree and extoll what they think are the merits of what that tree brings to the table - while ignoring all of the other trees in the forest - not seeing the whole forest - not seeing the significance of what the "big picture" brings to the issue.
The things that have been mentioned in this discussion are actually [just] "on the surface" - the "real" solutions are based on the underlying truth. And, the reason these things are problematic for us is because we are not relying upon a proper understanding of that underlying truth.
People - on a society level - do not want to recognize, realize, accept, and admit the part they play in making the whole thing as messed up as it is - men do not - women do not. Yet - "as sure as day" - both men and women (historically) "have [had] their part" in it.
The base-level reality of doing things God's way is the fact of 'This is the way God wants it done.' - which we "have a problem with" - because, we have the "natural proclivity" to want to do things
our way instead of God's way.
For us as Christians, the goal is to do things God's way as much as is humanly possible - with God's help, of course.
For us to do that, we need to understand what that is. The Bible tells us what it is. We must accept it and align ourselves with it if we want the proper result.
We have to look at it from a/an:
~ 'individual'-level perspective
~ 'church'-level perspective
~ 'society'-level perspective
We always have to keep the "big picture" in mind, or we will lose the proper perspective and not arrive at the proper answer/solution.
There is really only one proper answer/solution - and, it is based on "doing things God's way" - period.
Why? Because,
God said that is the way He wants it...
We have to trust that God knows what He is doing and do things according to the 'recipe' that He gave us to the best of our ability.