Well I hope romance and chivalry dies still exist..... and I have been a stay at home Mother all my married life and for 9 years after that...a very busy one....
You may as well start as you mean to go on.... I say to my sons, if you don't have a full time job and can't look after a wife, don't have a girl-friend yet-you need to be able to look after her if babies come along. It's not 'needy' it's responsibility.... in the scriptures it says... Laban gave to Jacob his daughter Rachel... he gave her, his precious daughter, to a man he knew would work hard to keep good care of her.... that is love. There's nothing wrong with traditional roles, and generally were the back-bone of society along with the rest of the many Christian standards we have lost in our countries.
My Grandad used to come home from a very hard week's work on a Friday and put his arms around my Grandmother who was stood at the oven, and drop his wage packet into her apron pocket. She would then give him a bit back so he could go and unwind at the cinema after she had accounted for what was needed for running their home and feeding/ clothing their 6 kids❤️
It ought not to be about money, it ought to be about love.
I agree with everything you say here, but you are talking about couples who are already married, while I was not.
A married couple do well to be in full agreement about how the bills get paid and how the housework and childcare get done. Your experience is traditional and very honourable; I trust that you did what you could to keep household and personal expenses within his income. When I was married, we both worked and all the income was shared... until about three years before the split. She stopped working regularly and started spending her time on volunteer projects while telling me to "get a better job" so that "we" could afford expensive toys. By the way, I did most of the housework too.
My earlier post was written with a dating situation in mind, period. I know many single women who earn more than I do; it is ludicrous to think that, were we dating, I should be
expected to pay for everything, though I'd be happy to pay
some of the time. As you say... start as you mean to go on. I would not mean to go on being the slave mule while she uses her rather significant income freely on her own interests.
By the way, the husband earning an income to support his wife and family while she keeps house and nurtures children is biblically sound, but has nothing at all to do with "romance" or "chivalry".