Hahahaha! These answers are funny.
In America - There is one main question because it determines how the man will understand me and protect me and what his Biblical beliefs are. Many men do not share the same beliefs as me.
A.) How do you feel about me having no relationship with my biological family?
Many will completely miss the fact that I have an individual relationship wth Christ and He called me out of this. This shows, how they will care for me, or how they believe that biological family is more important than the body of Christ. It shows interpretation of scripture and how they would judge me when they know and see my life. Moral of the story, I've dated and developed feelings for people and discovered later, where their priorities are.
IN China.........I DO NOT GO OUT ON DATES BECAUSE, ONE DATE MEANS THEY WILL SOON WANT TO MARRY YOU. Dating = Marriage. So I have to understand the culture better. Although I see many Chinese men really committed to traditional ideas of leadership and LOVE. It's a whole new mixed bag of nutz over here. But, some that I will want to jump into, maybe