Nukedpoocher, just glad to hear your dry, witty, voice, God bless ya, nukedpuggy
GreenNnice, yes, you're right. The northern and eastern parts of Australia generally have the worst of the snakes and spiders but you can still find enough species of each everywhere else. No, sorry, I haven't seen an anaconda (they're not native to Australia). I've seen brown snakes in the wild and red-bellied black snakes too but thankfully they were killed before they could kill anyone.
Yeah, cool, deadly poisonous snakes, my kind of high, well, would be, but I live in beautiful but snake-boring Washington State. One day, thevl Lord leads, I will go to Queensland, better yet, Darwin . I think I meant, 'pythons,' as I saw PBS public tv show 20 years ago where a python , 20 foot long, thick snake was, literally, going up out of the mud, like a cobra, and, sinking back in. Turned out, this snake was stuck in.the mud, drowning, in fact, quite sad it would be for animal lovers like julieannie
Green--for many years, I was all over the place as far as church service--prayer groups, conferences, classes, nursery, tweens, toddlers' room, etc. It was also the time when I was writing and talking to inmates, went to a group veterans' home, and assisted some good friends of mine at a soup kitchen and various projects for their own ministry.
I've been very happy the past few years to be kind of just a generic attendee for right now, though I do still attend a Bible class. Simply put, I was majorly burned out and felt God was calling me into a time of rest.
That's coool, seoulsearching, seasons in our lives for everything. I could so see you teaching junior high kids, with all your energy and creative writing abilities, I bet those gifts would translate perfectly to teens
I'm still just a member. I was out of town during the first of a few "find your place in the church" type meetings. The next one is the end of this month and I can't wait. I'm still waiting and watching and praying, but the day seems to be near. I do really feel a part of my church now which is very encouraging!
A member, good lightninbro, keep on blessing Him, showing your faith in Him and He WILL lead you to do great things that WILL increase your faith. Remember, those spiritual gifts from test taken, yours KNOWN are from Him, never forget, all that happens in our life is testing that God allows Satan to us do or God tests us to strengthen and faith in Him
Chrisseee, i like a song with chorus 'You make beautiful things out of dust.
Great, julieannie, you are, as I said, a good animal lover. I don't mind hunting but i'm not a hunter.
Clickpoppity--you're a smart, analytical gal, HOW did you get that way, and, yer also with a lot of spunk, so...?
Rachel, how did you get your edge?
Discipled? What kind of threads you wear most often?
Ugly, you got how many tatoos?
God bless ALL your lives , Christ peeples, so you can see His love unseen in your life, but there, really there, as you see Him; I pray through 'it' all your faiths' will grow , the substance of His grace will be seen by way of extra-ordinary things happening in your lives. The Lord leads