I rest my case..
Irrelevant. The query concerns MEN who wear scarves.
I vote that if it is cold, fashion goes out the window. Survival first. If you want to look fashionable while surviving, this is permissible. But this also means that your scarf can be both unitasker and multitasker.
A scarf without a cold-weather top, such as a jacket, coat, or sweater...it looks out of place and unbalanced on your body. And if it's warm enough to not need a jacket, yet you wear a scarf, you just come off looking like a schmuck. That's my opinion, anyhow.
And all you nay-sayers on bow-ties, try living a good chunk of your professional life in a tux sometime. When you're in it as often as I am, you go and buy a tux that FITS RIGHT with a classic cut, and suddenly that bow-tie becomes the icing on the cake.