You know, the funny thing is, we're always our own worst critics, especially women. I can't speak for Shour or Cat and I don't know if they're looking at their pictures and thinking, "I'm not as cute in this picture as I was in that other picture,"

but we girls are so hard on ourselves.
I hate pics of myself but I was like, Well, what the hey, I guess I'll get over it. We all decided we'd post pictures with each other's permission.
I was telling the group that because I've always been at least 60 pounds heavier than my mother, I've ALWAYS felt like the family blimp, and I see it in every picture. (Shour even threatened to somehow dead-lift my weight to prove that I weigh as much as I do, since we couldn't find a scale.)
Now, if you want to see beauty, you should see Misty77 and Grace-Like-Rain in person--Misty has PERFECT skin, is ALWAYS stylishly dressed from head to toe, and wears her hair in all kinds of cute styles. She's gorgeous!
And Grace is SO TINY!!! She has that perfect model body and blindingly shiny hair that looks perfect even when she first gets up! She is absolutely beautiful any time of day (even when talking all night and well into the morning) and always looks that way naturally. Grace and Shour would definitely be tough competition for a Beautiful Couple of the Year contest, along with several of our other beautiful couples here. They are absolutely adorable together.
Catherder has amazing blue eyes. They literally sparkle and his friendly, caring personality only emphasizes his good looks.
Me, I always feel like the big dork of the group

, but I'm alright with that. Just today, one of my co-workers was telling me something about a Marvel movie and he was like, "And Kim, I know you're the only one who's a big enough geek to get what I'm saying!" LOL!!!

I am perfectly happy being the Group Geek.
No need to be intimidated!! (I was more than a little scared to meet everyone myself, believe me), but in person, they're all just as nice as can be and a ton of fun! (The board and card games brought out everyone's TRUE personalities!)
I hope I get to meet many more of my fellow CC'ers in the future!