1. I randomly burst into song, especially if someone says something which reminds me of a line in a song. I also MUST finish a song (or at least a stanza) if I start it. If someone tells me to 'stop singing' I just can't handle stopping mid sentence.
2. I leave post-it-notes on the front of my locker at work to remind me of important tasks I need to complete. I will also email myself from my work address to my home email for the same reason. I have also been known to call my mobile and leave myself a 'reminder message' on my answering machine.
3. I bake when I can't sleep. Usually cupcakes. In fact, I bake simply because I enjoy doing it. I don't need to have an occasion to bake for, I just do. I also bake in mass quantities and have to decorate with perfection. If my first attempt at a cake isn't EXACTLY as I want it to be, I will start over again, even if I have no particular purpose for baking it.
4. I HAVE to wear socks to bed. It doesn't matter what season it is, if my feet are cold, I can't sleep.
5. I notice grammatical errors everywhere. Signs, billboards, this forum, even when people are speaking with incorrect grammar. It drives me crazy and I HAVE to correct it.
6. I fold t-shirts a particular way, and have them all facing the same way in the drawer. This drives my husband batty! He doesn't like the way I fold them, so I fold his one way and mine another.
7. I have a terrible memory (hence the constant note-taking), but I remember songs and nursery rhymes from my childhood word-for-word. If you need me to remember anything of great importance- sing it to me!
8. The things I do remember that aren't in song form, are phone numbers. I hear one and can remember it months later if someone asks me for it, even if I've never dialled it myself.
9. The first thing I do every morning is drink coffee. I like to get up, make coffee and stare at whatever is in the middle of the table while I drink it. I don't function without my morning coffee.
10. When hanging laundry on the line (yes we still do that here, we don't use clothes dryers), I have to hang underwear on the smaller inside lines, and then work my way out. I hate the thought that neighbours and people on the street can see our underwear, so I make sure it's out of view by hanging towels and other larger items on the outer lines in front of it.
11. I don't eat tomato by itself (ie in salad or on a burger), nor will I eat tomato sauce. I will however, eat tomato cooked in recipes (lasagne, spaghetti etc). Similarly, I dislike chocolate flavoured things (chocolate ice cream, chocolate milk) but I love chocolate itself. I LOVE strawberry ice cream and strawberry milk and anything strawberry flavoured, but cannot stand actual strawberries. Their texture creeps me out!
12. (Another food one). I actually won't eat salad on bread (salad on a burger or sandwich) because it makes the bread soggy. I will only eat salad on the side of a meal. I also don't like salad dressing ON my salad, I like it on the side, so I can add it myself if required.
13. I apparently hold my pencil a really peculiar way. To me it's normal, and it's how I've always done it, any other way feels unnatural. I remember when I was at school, my teachers trying to 'correct' my pencil holding technique, and I just couldn't handle it. I can't describe my technique here, but ask me to show you on cam one day
That's all I can think of now. I'm totally normal haha.