Hi I'm in a video mood tonight. this is my thrid video post in the singles forum, but they are good videos.
Anyhow ladies what is your opinion on this.. I believe it to be right, whats your opinions?
First off what is God's opinion over all? What's in the bible? What is he speaking to us personally as individual women? Lets look at some of the accounts of bible stories like Ruth and Boaz. Was she not instructed to pursue some one in the bible that being Boaz by her mother in law? Then there is Isaac and Rebecka where he was lead to her. The bible does give us examples of different ones and does this mean that we have to hold on to every word that he preached? I would hope that people would really think that though more.
Secondly, does every thing have to be so black and white for all women and just because this preacher stands up on a stand does that mean he is speaking for all women in general? I am sure he means well but does he speak for all women? I think putting all women into one box is very dangerous and it's not right go in that direction because it may damage some one and haven't we seen enough damage done with leaders whom have fallen off the podium? I know I have been either put in a box or have done that with others because it's how we can be conditioned to think like.
Thirdly, I would like to think that we are different and God deals with us all as individuals then see's us all women as being different in his sight. Should we all do the same exact things? Are we all the exact same women all together? An Army runs as one unit but does that mean all women are one woman marching to the same beat? Are not our testimonies different or meant to be different so that God can use those testimonies to reach a lost and dying world?
Fourthly, I think that people can fall short because they first rely on men and then on God first instead of it being God first then man. It's what church people can be used to instead of really pursing God in the way he wants us to go after him. What does the bible say or instruct us to do? Whom should I first love be in whom we pursue first? I think more focus could be spend on God and focusing on a relationship with God because often times people fail to have one with God and they don't know how to walk with God. People can fall through the cracks of the church because yeah this has happened to me also.
Fifty, he does give some good advice and it can be helpful but it doesn't mean that his advice fits all women as one unit as we are all put into one solid unit as one together. He doesn't give one biblical example and he is just talking from his own practical experience. Should we all go around and talk out of our own practical experience and tell others to do like wise just because we think we know it all? He talks about dads and it seems that he is assuming that all fathers are a like?
What about women who came from a dysfunctional back grounds where their fathers were abusive to them? Abuse can come in various degrees and it's not all the same. Both Women and Men may even require healing prior to getting involved with another person. Why? Well it makes for a much stronger testimony and because I do believe it's in God's will that they be healed, set free by deliverance, and made into the kind of person God wants them to become. God is the potter and we are the clay. Does the clay tell the potter what to do and how to do it? (Isaiah 64:8)
What about those women in the church because they may not have had a close relationship with their fathers as perhaps maybe some of them had wished they did? Do we know it all for that person's life and will their life end up being exactly as how we experienced our own? Who's to say that for sure? I used to have my sister's telling me not to do certain things and I know it was for my own good but then I am a different person then they are and I may not experience things exactly as they have.
I always thought as a Christian believer that I was a different person. I would like to believe that I am but I have constantly had people say to me. This is you and your experience you are like a Jonah or you are like Paul blab blab. I have to wonder if not people are doing more damage then good to one another by putting every thing so neatly into a box just because that's what we think is good for one person will be good for the whole rest.
Who are we to go around and tell others how they should find their mate or what type of person they are because we think we know who they are? I have met people whom have married non believers but then they became believers down the road. Then I have heard their advice don't marry a non believer. Well yes and no but what if God leads a person in the spirit to some one who isn't saved and they get saved and then they end up becoming some one's husband or wife or even for that matter some one else's husband or wife?
Who knows what God is capable of and yet I think we like to tell God what to do and the sad thing is I think sometimes we just get in his way. I know I have and that's when I had to let go and get out of God's way. I dated a non believer or should I say a Religious man mainly because at the time I was partly raised as Born Again Christian and had a Religious up bringing growing up. (My sister was Born Again and my parents were Religious.) I know that God is working on his life because while we were dating he read the bible and he also read another book by a Christian author whom I can remember he smiled when he talked about her.
I didn't have to tell him to read the bible because he did it because he wanted to read it.I thought for sure I was going to marry this man, but God apparently wanted me to let go and it was because God wanted to do something in my life. So I took that man and I put him on the altar for God as my sacrifice to God because I did love this man but not as God would have had me love him while we were together. I would say that God wanted me to prove my love for him first so that I am capable enough to give that to some one else. My story hasn't ended because I don't know if God is either going to bring us back together or if he has something else planned?
I can't predict the future but one thing that God had me do was to pray for him and you know the hardest thing was to let go because we knew each other for a long time and it really hurt to let him go because I was so attached to him. It still hurts because letting go hasn't been easy and yes I have tried dating but some how that had back fired on me too. In other words......I have to be number one in your life and not all those whom you choose to pursue. I do believe in some cases dating can be damaging to a person but not all people because God may very well want you to meet some one when you are ready enough to date them. It depends on what he wants and not what we want because sometimes I think we can be very selfish when it comes to the things that God wants to actively do in our own lives.
You see that is what happens and worst of all at that time he was my idol, which God wanted to knock down in my life. Can marriage and dating be an idol? I don't know ask yourselves that question individually because usually that's between God and that person. I looked up to him and I put him on a pedal stool because at the time I wasn't truly wasn't walking with God in parts of my life. But when God had called me back to him that's when I realized that he has plans. Even married people can put another on a pedal stool and look at their mate like an idol and God will remove idols if they are in his way. God can do what he pleases because he has to be number one and if he isn't then he sure is heck going to let you know it and yes it can happen the hard way.
My perception was very clouded and confused in my life and that's what God also wanted to deal with inside of me and he has. I never would have thought that I was addicted to my boyfriend like an idol but that's where I was and that's when I think we have to ask ourselves both men and women as individuals if some one in our lives or something has become an idol. God will show you and he will teach you things if you allow him to show you? I assumed too much and that's where I went wrong but boy it's not an easy lesson to learn but it is humbling. God wanted to teach me things. (Jeremiah 33:3)
Lastly that video we all viewed was partly from a service so if that's what is presented here then we are getting a part message, and I don't know what he had said previously? I can only go by that one video and I could have jumped the guns here a little but I guess I am just concerned that some one out here will take it all to heart. Especially if they are very young in the Lord and are a young single person. I would be very concerned for them. I am learning to think things through a lot more which is enabling me to become more of a critical thinker. I am not all that much of one but perhaps it's what God wants me to learn to become like now. In my opinion giving partial messages like this one is dangerous because we are not all the same one person.