Actually seoulsearch I'm reminded of the old days as a moderator in a chatroom. People would come in, wait a whole three minutes, then complain that this chatroom is boooooring!
My first reaction was to ask them how much they were paying me to entertain them, but then I developed a new response. I pointed out that they were in this chatroom, so that made them a part of this chatroom. And if this chatroom was boring, and they were a part of this chatroom, that made them... I always left it hanging at that, but they could always fill in the blank.
It worked too. They always stopped complaining about the chatroom being boring, and occasionally they started contributing topics for chat.
Over the years here, I've had several people write to me many times and tell me I need to drop some threads in order to get Singles moving again, and I'm sure it's not just me--I'll bet various other people have been told this as well, as we're fortunate to have some very talented writers in Singles.
Whenever someone complains about the forum being boring and that there aren't any new threads, I'm always thinking (no matter who it might be, whether a child or an adult), "If you're typing that message, your fingers aren't broken." In other words, why not give it a go yourself instead of just complaining about what you think others should be doing in order to entertain you?
I have to admit it's a huge pet peeve of mine (at last! A genuine rant that I'm finally sharing here in the official "Rant" thread!)
I come from a family whose attitude is, "We love you. We want to know what's going on in your life. Tell us what's wrong..." (Cue one-hour rant.)
And then my family will answer: "Aw, that's too bad. Life is hard sometimes. Now, what are you capable of doing about it? You had a chance to blow off some steam... So now that means it's time to get up and work at actually doing something about it." Internally, I usually react to complaints about the forum in the same way.
Admittedly, starting threads can take nerves of steel because you're bound to run into criticism at any given point, and many, if not most, would rather have someone else take all the flack. I understand that.
But my answer for anyone who says that chat or the forums or anything else is boring is always the same: "What threads and discussions are you actually starting and writing to help make it 'un-boring' if it really bothers you that much?"
I understand that some will say they're not writers or don't have ideas, etc., and that's perfectly understandable. I totally get it.
But for some to actually expect others to entertain them, with no thought or contribution towards the things people are struggling through on a regular basis... That. really. bothers. me. One of my biggest pet peeves (rant time!) are people who take advantage of all the fun but won't do any of the work.
I would gladly quit my job and write at least one new thread every day if someone would just offer to pay my living expenses, but sadly, up to this point, no one has ever come through.
(I'm always taking applications though!