I think...I think I'm embarrassed to be me.
It's just, I've never been concerned about my lack of education before, it's never bothered me, even when other people have looked down on me for it. Suddenly, I'm realizing that I can't keep up with intelligent people. Not that I don't understand what they're saying (mostly...gosh...), but I know nothing about...anything...and can't hold a conversation with them.
And what do I have to talk about? Grocery budgets. Cleaning products. Smelly diapers.
I just feel really silly, thinking that...I dunno, that maybe I could leave my housewife persona behind for just a couple of hours and actually spend time with other adults whom I respect and admire, only to find that I have zero experience in anything, zero knowledge of anything, and nothing at all to add, nothing worth saying.
I think maybe I'm just over-tired. Yeah...maybe I'll just go, you know, over there ------> well, ------>ish, and get some sleep, so that way, in the morning when I feel better, I can be embarassed about this whiny post and whatnot.
Because that...is how I roll. Or, you know, whatever.