I should have said, what I 'know' of arwenbaggins because she's already said she does some work leading of fellow crew members so that things get done right when no one else knows what's right to do.
Ok, im going to my mom's today, she seems to be doing well, PTL (that's Praise The Lord for all you non-acronym folk out there

) . She went through chemo last Thursday and that was after they weren't sure if they were going to do anymore. So, they decided to and she's going strong, makes sense to me, my mom milked cows growing up, became an RN, and, is one tough hombre

I love my mama and pray she can see Jesus at work through all this, i've become a bit more spiritual to her of late, and, that's not something done much of last couple decades, she was with God strong when I was a kid, teaching Sunday School with my dad. But, the whole thing changed when friends non-Christian got involved and the VCR wasn't helpful either,with all those wrong movies, wrong, I tell you, WRONG !

I'm speaking serious but silly too. The Lord leads, He knows best, there was a reason ma and pa split up and we are best to just go with His flow, letting His strength carry us through, realizing that we should still love them both with God's Love given us and that is all I have to say at the moment.
I'm so short-winded sometimes