Yesterday, my mom drove out here to have me highlight her hair, and she brought my 5 year old niece. It was my niece's birthday, and I had forgotten because I don't see her very often. I had some cake from a baking excursion the other day, so I put a candle in a piece and gave it to her, plus I found a bunch of bracelets that someone gave me for Christmas last year that I don't wear, and some nail polish, and put them in a little gift bag, with help from my mother-in-law, who showed up mid-hair highlighting, and is here to stay now with her Uhaul full of...her house...and her cat (to add to our 3) and her dog.
This place was a mad-house yesterday.
Anyway, it turns out that those bracelets...were given to me mom. Oops. So she didn't say anything until after I'd given them away. That awkward moment you get caught re-gifting...
Today is slightly less crazy. There's an injured kitty around here somewhere, she caught one of her claws on the metal frame of the screen whilst climbing over it, and I'm not sure if her toe is broken or not. Last night I tried to look, but she tore my arm to near-shreds (which is only almost as painful as actual shreds). I'll have to find her again. She's currently MIA, but I've seen her eating and drinking, so I think she's ok, even if she's really not ok.
It's raining. It's that wonderful autumn rain, it started yesterday evening and has been just a slow drizzle since, and I love it, I love it, I love it.