Question...if a child dies, and someone messages you asking about it, and you say, "Yea, I heard about that. Didn't know the kid, but..." would it be offensive to call a deceased child a kid? I kinda just ran into that situation. They told me the term kid can kind of grate....but it's not like I'm insensitive. My friend's 16 month old baby died. Death at that young of an age truly is tragic. I do feel for those who have lost a child. But, they were a kid.
How different would it be if you heard an elderly man died, and someone asks about it, and you said, "Yeah, I heard about him dying. I didn't know the man, but it's sad to hear that he died." that doesn't sound offensive, does it? Then again, I haven't been through a whole lot of those scenarios. Thank God. But, at the same there some sort of etiquette to how you talk about someone you didn't know that died?
I really hope this makes sense and someone can give me help with this.