Catherder, this is written especially with you in mind.
I just bought a big bag of KALE because I plan to make kale chips this week. I know I'll have to guard them carefully because I just KNOW you're going to try to STEAL my precious kale (knowing how you love it so

Don't worry. Before you think I've turned into a quinoa and greens-loving health fanatic (and kudos to anyone who is), I only bought it to counteract the pizza and fruitcake bars I'm having today.
After a week of eating mostly spinach, fiber cereal, and lean proteins, today is my cheat day. Hooray!
However, I may have to call paramedics after ingesting those fruitcake bars. I'm no baker but I'm going to try, and the ingredient list reads something like this:
white sugar
brown sugar
candied cherries
sugared dates
(Have I mentioned this recipe calls for a bit of sugar?)
And just for balance, there's also a healthy dose of orange juice thrown in. All that sugar is probably going to petrify my entire body like a statue (the Pillar of Sugar version of Lot's wife...)
I can't wait! Woo Hoo!