You don't know what you're missing, this is a blast! I'm so glad I get to experience all 4 seasons that God has given on the earth. Spring is just beautiful, it's incredible watching new life unfold before your eyes,summer is hot but liberating, so much can be accomplished before the heavy humidity settles in, but before you know it, autumn arrives with amazing colors, and the preparations for thxgiving, xmas, and new year, but still great weather to do all kinds of things, and then brisk, exhilarating winter moves in, and ppl hunker down, and attention turns inward a bit, (I just made a double batch of chili, hot and mild) football is winding down, and the playoffs and even the super bowl can be pretty good games, there's puzzles and parlor games, (if I had a girl to share with, there's probably all kinds of games we'd like to play, I can only wonder), and shoveling can be fun, and you get to help others, or sometimes someone helps you, and then just when you start getting housebound and the walls seem to be closing in, here comes the first buds popping through, hyacinths and daffodils, the colors and the cleanness, the busy bees, baby birds, mr. squirrel comes hopping up to say hello, (although I have one who eats peanuts from my hand all year round, even sat on my lap earlier this year) and spring in all it's splendor arrives, reminding us of the resurrection and new life in Christ, wow, I could probably write a book about the beauty of each unique season! I'm really glad God created all these things and I get to experience them. I've heard that paradise, or like the garden of eden, is like a tropical rain forest. That's probably nice, but I think I'd miss the four unique wonder-filled seasons.