So today I learned that the only thing worse than sending out resumes and not getting responses is getting an almost immediate response of we've decide to look at other applicants. Yeah, not a happy cinder right now.
That happened to me once a long time ago. It seemed like they express-mailed the rejection letter to me. I actually called the interviewer and asked him why I was rejected. He said he would have to "refer back to his notes"... -_-
I already had a feeling that he wasn't interested during the interview. It was for a telephone marketing job anyway..

(but it was for a big company.. Marriott hotels. They were probably trying to sell timeshares. This was in the early 90's)
Cinder... its possible that shortly after they interviewed you they came upon a candidate who was perfect for the job. Not in my case though, because I asked if the position was still open when I called back and they said it was..