Probably not a good idea, considering I want to only do healthy stuff, like salads and fruit, and not stuff with bread... I'm making lunches for my whole family (I still have to stay at my mom's house until my own house is fixed). My picky siblings don't want to eat anything that tastes even remotely healthy.
I don't pack lunches. My mom homeschools, and I make lunch for the whole family. My contribution, for living in her house. If I did, I would keep it to just carrot sticks and apple slices.
... I just got an idea for what to make for a lunch, and my family - my mom not included - will probably hate me for it, but they hate all my lunches. They're picky, and I don't cater to picky children. They hate me for it, but I've grown out of caring what other people think of me, especially when their opinions don't have anything to do with my salvation.