hey, tin-tin, don't think I was hammering on you, bro, I just think it's important that you know why I was saying that things could be different, and, I'm guessing, maybe, you don't believe in angels entertaining us? Not sure why the 'over-spiritualize' comment. The old guy, to me, looked like he couldn't even harm a fly. And, I truly mean that, the fly would win in a fight
But, I'm sorry if I hurt IloveyouGod with what I said that was thoughht attacking her, it was not, just being green and green, that me, me, boys and girls, is QUITE opinionated on some things. Trust me you, you me, too, yeah, I WANT God's protection over you and I'd NEVER say something that was meant to get you in harm's way
So, if it was bad judgment to think that this old guy was harmless and should be treated like a crazed athletic sex killer though looking like a guy who couldn't win a fight with a fly, hey, sorry to that. Don't we all err in bad judgment calls sometimes . The Lord leads, we should just do our best to follow Him, He will think that's perfect.
Abigailjeannie, thx for sharing what was in that pot, yeah, I like lamb chops, and, that bean soup is something my mom makes, except, and, this won't please littleC, but, she adds cheeses to the garbanzos, kidney, pinto beans and ham and onions and crock pots it and it really is one of my favorite dishes, besides mom's chile rellenos, and, Scallops recipe and chicken and pineapple and green peppers recipe and..... But, yeah, I have been known to eat three big bowls of ma's bean stew (soup?) in one sitting
Weeel, one other thing, PRAISE THE LORD !
I looked over at my warehouse this evening and noticed the door was wide open. I thought, great, more stuff stolen. I've been robbed a couple times in the last five years out of thousands of dollars. Sad but true,but, I know it's all God's and that whoever gets it, I pray they find Jesus. My warehouse has a big Jesus message in it on a whiteboard. 'God, please, don't bless thieves.' So, when they've stolen my stuff in the past, they've seen that sign.
Anyway, I walkd over there and opened the door and BOOM! my eyes had seen the GLORY ! There was NOT one thing stolen, I can only guess God's hand because why didn't they steal anything this time. Something scared them off, perhaps. I don't know. But,yeah, God is who I fear and I guess it rubbed off on the would-be thieves
I'm always asking for His 'blood of Christ' protection' over my things and myself, healthwise and everything else and I'm healthy and God really does protect me. Even though lot of stuff stolen in past, God's ALWAYS provided me more than I had before. The key is faith in Him, NEVER doubt. And, the couple times that thieves did get things, I don't dwell on that at all, it's not my stuff, anyway, He GAVE whatever possessions I have. Just did. You, too.
So, yeah, a praise-the-Lord report there !