i wanted to comment on a few posts here said lately and I didn't, arwenbaggins would have my head, I tell ya ! My head :O
Anyway, I pray for all you guys all the time that you just follow Him, who knows what He has in store for you, just go His way, immerse yourself in His things for you. I can't say it enough, choose His things for your life. Not easy .I'm not saying I have, I haven't, a lot of my life, I didn't. But, when I did, and, when I began serving Him and just letting things freeflow His way, by simple things, like reading my bible, a lot, going to church, every service I could wed. sunday morn, eve, and, singles group and a bible study group, to boot, on Thursday, it just was joy. I admit, this time of my life was a total blessing. within one year of crashing my car, and, causing pain to othres, totalling my car, I was with mORE money than I had before the crash ! I WORKED long 16 hour days and I just focused on that, with God in the back of my mind in 1995. Then, in 1996, for one full year, a little over, ALL I did was CHURCH !! Wow!!! What a peace, what ar relief. It was so blessed, culminating with re-commitment to Christ. I pray this is streaming.
I drove a uhaul today, getting my warehous cleaned up as I've told you all and today I knew would be 'a day.' It was ! It was 80 degrees and I was tired and trying to unload 3 tons of scrap from the 17-foot truck. It was tough, tough work. And, I just wasn't thinking and didn't put the car in park, and, it began going in reverse. And I had hopped out !! ! I had to hop back in and just hit the brake before it hit a side of a wall, within A FOOT !! Praise God !!
Besides that, the Lord led in a great way, I am given the truck with a quarter tank usually and I have to make sure it is a quarter tank when I'm done !! It was at a little over a half tank, which in easy-to-understand terms means that I got a quarter-plus tank of gas free, and, in dollars terms, that's about $40 !! The money is OK, I mean, if this happened three years ago, I could see it as God having provided for me when I was so poor I rivaled a church mouse . But, yeah, just God's hand in MY DAY today was there, I pray He was in yours too. He cares. Give Him your day, with a prayer, try to kneel, then, your day will happen and I GUARANTEE that I don't know exaclty what will happen, I can't say something bad WON'T happen, it could ! But, you will be at peace and understanding of it all. When we pray, things just happen, good things. I pray harder on days when I KNOW my day is going to be a rough one. I wish, on days that were smooth sailing I prayed just as hard. I need to work on that
But, yeah, great day, I appreciate your prayers too. My shoulder's a little sore but that's passing, I hope and pray
, and, just thankful that God IS in my days. That He chose me and I chose His ways, commitment, to my life, as best I can
He chose you too, show your life is appreciative of that choosing, remember, whatever we do, we should do it ALL for Him 
Anyway, I pray for all you guys all the time that you just follow Him, who knows what He has in store for you, just go His way, immerse yourself in His things for you. I can't say it enough, choose His things for your life. Not easy .I'm not saying I have, I haven't, a lot of my life, I didn't. But, when I did, and, when I began serving Him and just letting things freeflow His way, by simple things, like reading my bible, a lot, going to church, every service I could wed. sunday morn, eve, and, singles group and a bible study group, to boot, on Thursday, it just was joy. I admit, this time of my life was a total blessing. within one year of crashing my car, and, causing pain to othres, totalling my car, I was with mORE money than I had before the crash ! I WORKED long 16 hour days and I just focused on that, with God in the back of my mind in 1995. Then, in 1996, for one full year, a little over, ALL I did was CHURCH !! Wow!!! What a peace, what ar relief. It was so blessed, culminating with re-commitment to Christ. I pray this is streaming.
I drove a uhaul today, getting my warehous cleaned up as I've told you all and today I knew would be 'a day.' It was ! It was 80 degrees and I was tired and trying to unload 3 tons of scrap from the 17-foot truck. It was tough, tough work. And, I just wasn't thinking and didn't put the car in park, and, it began going in reverse. And I had hopped out !! ! I had to hop back in and just hit the brake before it hit a side of a wall, within A FOOT !! Praise God !!
Besides that, the Lord led in a great way, I am given the truck with a quarter tank usually and I have to make sure it is a quarter tank when I'm done !! It was at a little over a half tank, which in easy-to-understand terms means that I got a quarter-plus tank of gas free, and, in dollars terms, that's about $40 !! The money is OK, I mean, if this happened three years ago, I could see it as God having provided for me when I was so poor I rivaled a church mouse . But, yeah, just God's hand in MY DAY today was there, I pray He was in yours too. He cares. Give Him your day, with a prayer, try to kneel, then, your day will happen and I GUARANTEE that I don't know exaclty what will happen, I can't say something bad WON'T happen, it could ! But, you will be at peace and understanding of it all. When we pray, things just happen, good things. I pray harder on days when I KNOW my day is going to be a rough one. I wish, on days that were smooth sailing I prayed just as hard. I need to work on that
But, yeah, great day, I appreciate your prayers too. My shoulder's a little sore but that's passing, I hope and pray