I'm tired, long day moving stuff around and just plain working manually more than I've done usually, for three days now. God is good, got me through it all, protected, and, who knows what could have happened, besides the door of the uhaul about getting 'clipped,' the metal thread of a shattered electronic just slitting my finger instead of a deep wound, my shoulder in a little pain, it's good to pray our day away. Does that make sense?
Really listen to those words: It is good to pray our day away .
I love 1 Thessalonians 1: 5:16-17 . God supplies all our needs when we pray, He says so. So, is praying important ? Let's all begin our days in prayer, wholehearted prayer and then go about our days in ceaseless understanding that we STILL need God as we go through our days, all the way to the nighttime, when, uh, yeah, we ARE to pray before we go 'away' for the night
I saw a little hobbling mouse, no bigger than the size of a 50-cent piece in circumference. He was a wee little timid bugger, just waddling along, and, I mean waddling, I should have taken pictures, didn't, but, yeah, this rodento was, I thought, crippled, but what was odd is he was hopping in a fully cement storage center. He must have been in someone's unit and then hopped out of a box or something.
Anyway, this story gets sad, as, that time was yesterday I saw him moving right along underneath my truck and off I thought to find his way out, I mean, I could have stepped on him, he was a waddler, a little faster than a bird playing hurt with a wounded wing, just sputtering along, which, yes, I have seen by the way, because Pid (that gorgeous canine in my avatar

) got into a robin's nest of little birdies and I caught her before she killed them and the woodlark mother started to chirp wildly and try to lead Pid away by pretending she had a broken wing. Have you seen Riki Tiki Tavi, about the mongoose, the mama bird lures away the cobra with the same 'act.'
Anyway, this morning, I was back at my storage place clearing it out and, guess what

, that little churchmouse was deader than a doornail, not squished, just turned sideways and lifeless. And, he was only a few feet from my truck, not sure what happened but no bird picked him off so I just not sure.
I'm glad week is over, last three days exhausting, but God got me through EVERYTHING perfectly. The Lord leads. I will trust in His ways for me, as best that I humanly can, and, with His Spirit in me showing me the way, that way will be perfect