I have just woken up from a glorious nap during which I got to hide under my ginormous fluffy blanket and wallow just a tiny lit bit before drifting off into the best sleep I've had for a week. I feel fantastic, and I haven't even had any coffee yet.
As for my threads...aw, thanks Raine
buuuut that's a pretty high pressure job : p
So maybe do it at freedom, like the Church I attended lately. Communion was sooooooooooooooo different and amazing and freeing at the same time
The communion was spread pout on tables though pout and the people went and got their own, after sitting back down and waiting for, you know permission
It was said, when you are ready. So not in unison, for each person when they are ready, and to me wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, just do as you do, for to make you anything is the deliverance for pride to creep in and stop you from listening in you from God to speak out
Just saying, when you are ready, and we as people are so used to hearing, must do, have to do, or else all our lives from others, especially from immediate families, and we get stuck all our lives trying to please others all stressed out over it
And as I will say it again, my Brother who past at 33, last words to my Sister was God just loves me, and he spent all those 33 years in stress trying to please everyone, and was toooooo legalistic on himself that kept him in stress, and worry so he could not rest, when he could have been at rest trusting God period to see him through period. So he left me, my sister and other Brother the message
God does just love you all as well. God has no one better than the other, God views us all the same, yep you heard it All the same, not one person better than the other. And he brought life for you all here and now, to walk in trust, not try to be a doer
Have you not ever noticed trying to be what you are (already made by God through Son to be) you. we all fall short
If you quit smoking and it is behind you, you do not think about quitting do you? But if you do smoke and want to quit, how can you if you have to think how to
The same is for God is I have to think how, when it is plain Believe and remain to believe no matter what and learn from what we caused; not God, we will do better, but not to be proud, to be even more humble you think?