Had my endoscopy today.
First IV attempt ranked up there as one of my most painful sticks. And, being the first, implies it didn't work. Second one i was given a little numbing, so they got it in alright. Count that, one blood draw and 5 IV attempts in 2 days. All quite painful. Plus i have 2 more IVs this week. And do to the Phlebitis in my left arm all the sticks have to go in my right.
The good news it though it felt like i was there longer, the whole thing went by really fast and i'm home hours early than i expected i might be.
He didn't find much in my stomach. Just food. 12 hours old food. Which is not normal. But other than that, there was nothing else mentioned. Or, perhaps i was still so sedated i don't remember. That was some really nice sedation.

Didn't hurt any that one of the nurses was really cute.

haha... So the back of my throat is sore. But the air they pumped in isn't bothering me much. So.. i have no idea what to think of expect about my food taking so long to digest. And i was too stoned to think to ask at the time since i was still staggering slightly from the anestisia (yes, spelt wrong, i know) when they kicked me out the front door.
Tomorrow counseling. Thurs and Fri more IVs and Tues Vascular specialist.