I’m all for the vision and purpose of this site and fully support the direction of the owner and mods but truly, it is the people who corrupt it, which is no difference to people attending church every Sunday, as there is no perfect church, except Jesus Christ himself.
There’s always going to be people who’ll offend people and people who’ll be offended.
It’s the nature of our human characteristics.
Also, we’re not perfect. I can say something today (perhaps this post) that could offend someone based on the experience or feelings that I had a “bad day” today or that I’m “going through some personal issues at home at the moment” etc. Tomorrow I could post something that might not offend someone which then is probably going to be acceptable by society.
I think, the lesson here for me (and thank you Lynx for creating this thread) is that I’m reminded to be wise about the words that I speak and that it should be words to edify and uplift another brother or sister in Christ - because that saying is true.... WWJD or WWJS?
What we say can actually embed in another persons mind, and stick with them in a negative way, and scriptures tells us in Proverbs 18:21 “21 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”
I know I may have flipped the purpose of the OP, and what I’m about to say might offend some people lol but............things “can’t go back to how they were in those days”, we have to accept the fact that as society and times change, so do peoples priorities and lifestyles, including moving on from CC or not. But the good thing that does come out of this is the new people that come to CC seeking God and the same fellowship as you all did years ago.
May the peace of Jesus be and remain with CC and it’s members forever.