That awkward moment when....I get home after dark one night - a few years ago - and, after parking the car, I press the latch to pop open the trunk so I could remove my stuff. The cable of the latch mechanism snapped so I had to open it another way. For some reason the key wouldn't open it so I had to pull the back seat forward and went into the trunk reaching inside to extract my laptop and other items. The seat began to do its own thing and soon I was stuck with half my body still in the trunk.
Then I heard movement and, relieved that someone was on hand to help, I, sheepishly, began to explain my predicament to this, yet to be identified Good Samaritan. What I heard next was one of the most disheartening sounds a man in my position could hear. I had just ended my one minute monologue and had asked for assistance.
The answer I got was, "Meow!"