Ok.....*takes a deep breath* XD
Hmm...turnoffs. There's a lot XD some of these, i may have written on the "Dateable, Undateable" thread.
Short tempered. Gets easily riled up by the smallest of offenses (like being accidentally bumped by another person, getting overtaken in traffic, not being able to decide where to go on a date, short delays in going somewhere, etc....)
Impatient (very much connected to number one)
Fond of cursing and F-bombing (when i said cursing, i mean REALLY cursing, like wishing that the entire family of the person who offended him would all just die violent deaths and such
Immature (a man-child or man-baby XD yeesh!!! Can you imagine a guy who'd shout and curse at you, then walk out on you, just because you couldn't decide where the 2 of you should eat? XD)
Couldn't be genuinely happy. Like nothing good ever happens in his life. And he couldn't be happy for me when i have good things coming my way. Or the type who'll resent you, and tell you that you are a jerk for being so well off, and that someday, he'll show you and the rest of the world that he'll be on top and looking down on you all XD unbelievably psycho, with delusions of being persecuted (don't know how i lasted 4 years with said guy >.<)
Makes you pay for your dates. To be honest, i don't like being made to pay (unless it's an even split, 50-50). It makes me feel very much used, and not very special. Why would you ask a girl out when you're not ready to treat her to a good time? If you're strapped on cash, you better let her know before going to the place, or be resourceful enough, and set up a date that doesn't require much or any spending (heck, i'm not materialistic! XD We could just go for nature walks or treks, run around the park or playground like kids, play video games, go swimming in a lake, write songs or poems together, and he's won me over!

i'd very much love to be asked to cook for our date, instead of paying for whatever he had in mind XD)
Not listening. I am sick and tired of guys who wouldn't even care to really listen >.< i don't care if he thinks i'm pretty or sexy, and couldn't get his eyes, or his hands off of me. As flattering as it all seems, i'd much rather fascinate him with my mind, instead of my looks. I don't want a shallow relationship. I want a man who's engaged with me on a deeper level, being stimulated and inspired by my thoughts and ideas, and he, doing the same for me. More so towards a deeper relationship with GOD at its very core!
Not talking or opening up. I'm no mind reader, and if i'm asking what's on his mind, i don't want him to say it's nothing, when it obviously isn't XD if he can't be bothered to spend even just a few minutes to say what he's thinking or what he's about, i'm leaving.
Arrogant.I'm tired of men who think they're so good looking, or so rich, or so smart, that they should always be at the top, and everyone else are just a bunch of losers XD
10) Unhygienic.Dirty-looking. Smelly. Doesn't bathe nor brush. Dresses like a slob. Picks his nose in public, then just wipes anywhere. Unless he's so sick or injured, that he couldn't move about and take care of himself, he has no excuse to be gross! >.<
11) Into vices. Smoking cigarettes, drinking heavy liquor regularly, gambling like there's no tomorrow. A big NO.
12) Lazy. Doesn't take care of himself, doesn't workout, doesn't work, doesn't know how to clean up after himself. Ugh!!! >.<
13) Messy. I don't mind the occasional clutter. But if his house looks like it's become a nesting ground for rats and roaches, that's not cute at all!!! >.<
14) Doesn't take correction. I so dislike men who think they could never be wrong. If they couldn't open their mind to the fact that they thought, or did, or believed wrong, i couldn't open my heart to them at all >.<
15) Lusty. Couldn't take his eyes or hands off me in a very sexual manner. Into pornography and sexual thoughts and habits. Tempts me sexually. I'd run away from this man >.<
16) Inconsistent. Says one thing, but does another. Very confusing. Or a liar.
17) Unreasonably noisy. Talks too loud. Chews too noisily (if it's 'coz the food is really crunchy, i'd understand. But if you make me picture how your food is ending up inside your mouth...i'd run and puke >.<). Gracelessly moving about, handling objects carelessly...i want a man, not a toddler >.<
18) UnGODly. Not a man of GOD, therefore, not living for GOD, nor ruled by GOD, nor loving GOD. Impossible for me to like this kind of man anymore. 'Nuff said. He's just gonna bring me down.