Referencing movie quotes so often as to almost exclusively communicate through them.
Finding simple humor stupid, yet finding stupid humor funny.
Having to explain or elaborate every two seconds to them, especially if I'm attempting to be funny. There are very few people I have the heart to do this for.
Selfishness/ one-sidedness. I feel so awkward, and get so frustrated when it gets so bad as to the point I have to remind someone I might also have something to share, or need help too. In other words, a lack of consideration. And not just any consideration, out of love, not just because they feel like it at that moment. Way too petty.
Hoochie mommas
Dishonest with themselves
unwilling to correct me if I'm wrong
Sharing their opinion at every opportunity to a fault (No one gives a crap that you prefer chunk light tuna when they're just trying to get some milk you crazy woman)
This isn't necessarily a comprehensive list mind you, but hopefully it sates the thirst of curiosity.