My first relationship started when i was about 19-20. It lasted for maybe two weeks before i had to dump her. With me, i really wasn't looking for a relationship with her like that because she always came off as desperate,clingy,needy, and an ultra-diva/ drama queen.I would literally shoo her away, or try to pawn her off on other people, but she would just come right back. I think she thought that i was playing with her or something, she never could take a hint...It was kind of funny but sad at the same time. So one day i decided i would allow it, even though at the time i was more interested in hanging out with friends, talking to other girls and just goofing off and having fun (and for the prudes who read this... Relax. not that kind of "fun" lol). As for how the relationship went, it was actually worse than i expected. My next relationships were way better though because i made smarter choices.
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