I was impressed with the grace and humility that you provided in this response. Thanks for being a good example, once again.
I guess it turned out the guy had serious issues, but I learned a lesson from you about putting pride to death and being an example when dealing with such people.
Hi Moses!
Thank you so much for this -- I really, really appreciate it.
The thing is, I'm kind of used to things like this happening. I know a lot of the threads I put up are controversial, so they're going to attract some very colorful people. I really should expect it by now, but there's always one that catches me off guard, lol. Believe me, the initial reaction in my head to his post was ANYTHING but graceful or humble.
But you know what? I tried my best to calm down, talk with God about it, and realized that if I tried to cancel out all the flash and noise he put around it, the very root accusation he was making of me was, "You are a sinner." And after talking with God, how could I argue with that? Now, whether he had the right to then cherry-pick what he believes someone else's sins are and then assign them derogatory labels because of it is between him and God.
But when I thought about the core of what he was saying, it just seemed best to accept it and move on. I was playing "Here I Am to Worship" this morning with the lyrics, "I'll never know how much it cost, to see my sin upon that cross," and that part gets me every single time. Because at the end of the day, I have to confess that yes, I am a sinner who more than anything, needs her Savior.
People who have been here a while and follow along with the threads know I tend to run into people like this on a regular basis -- with the questions I ask, it's just part of the gig -- and some have asked me why I bother to engage with them. To be honest, I've found that 9 times out of 10, it's like getting the villain of a movie going on a good monologue -- chances are, their only goal is to get attention and be heard, never to listen, so they will employ as many shock tactics or extreme ideas as possible to get people to turn their heads.
Once you get them rolling, they are more than eager to display their own agenda and they won't stop, which will either result in a ban or at the very least, people will now know what that person stands for and can then make their own decisions about whether or not to listen to them.
Unfortunately, I don't always keep my cool and sometimes my friends here will even PM me and say, "Don't go there, it's not worth it," lol. But I do feel that as Christians, it can be tough to determine the balance between turning the other cheek and defending ourselves, because I believe there are times and places for both. A young person once wrote me here and said that she was learning how to stand up for herself by watching my interactions in the threads, and I've never forgotten that.
One last thing Moses, I wanted to thank you for all you add to the forum. You have a wonderful gift for writing, and I want to apologize to you in that sometimes I have misinterpreted your satire as being serious, but I'm trying to work on that! Feel free to correct me when I don't understand or get something wrong.
And thank you for always being a positive presence in the forums.