Where are all the Christian men? Not agreeing with this crap. Paul said if you marry you do no wrong. They had no idea Christ would not come for another 2,017 years at least. They were expecting Him at any minute. There was a new covenant to cover the world in, lots to do, etc. Keep things in context and see past your crappy dogmas. Paul was single and one of the elite. He wasn't about to marry and become a martyr. He also would never have said that all married people since Christ have erred in doing so. It is good to marry and good to be single. Those of us who burn, get married and worship God together and have lots of sex. Those who don't. ..worship God and...I have no idea (strange bunch if you ask me).
I am single. DIVORCED! (and not ashamed, not if Christ washed me clean...like He washed David). I know God has the perfect wife for me as He did for Jacob, Isaac, Abraham..and the rest. I am SINGLE (whole and content) and I have built character and trust in my God. I crucify this flesh daily to remain holy. I have resisted, fallen and gotten up many times and do now resist every evil temptation. God has made me and does continue to make me. My eyes are on Jesus, the Author and Finisher (refiner and polisher) of my Faith and I know it's just a matter of time. I thank Him in advance. No hokus pokus, no bull doodoo. Read God's Word. Close your mouths.