Then why did you say you'd have think about it if you were given the choice of lying or having someone die? I can only read what you write I can't see inside your head.
Because I'm not convinced that any intrinsically immoral act is ever justified, even if it were to potentially save someone's life, but that speaks nothing to whether or not I value human life. But also, I don't believe that there is any sitiuation in which a human would be forced by moral necessity to make such a decision. There is always a 'third option'.
We can if we think about the potential outcomes. We can't be right all the time, however you have to look yourself in the mirror every night and I do knowing that I have a clear conscious.
But our conscience must be informed; it is not omniscient, neither is it infallible. For example, there are things I have done in the past for which I felt no guilt. However, more recently I have learned that such things are wrong, so the same actions would now cause me guilt.
Gay couples can have kids. I'm not going further into explaining this.
If you've been following my train of thought, I expect you already know that I would understand such a thing as a grave evil.
Pair bonding is about a family, and it's better to have a loving family then anything else.
Not sure what you mean here.
So what about people who want to get married but not to have kids? Not everyone wants kids, and there are a lot of straight couples who never have kids. Should they then just not be together? Children are a blessing however they aren't the solution to a family, you have a family first which is made out of love.
Every married couple should be open to the possibility of new life, of which God is the author. If God chooses to bless them with children they should be ready to receive it, rather than actively taking measures to frustrate it.
Why would we have birth control then? That's actively trying to avoid conception so everyone who uses it is what?
Everyone who uses it is committing a moral evil. It's not the populist answer, I know, but there's no need for me to pull my punches here is there?
Love is about love not a hedonistic need to make more of yourself.
No, but neither is it the hedonistic need to be close to someone as you're postulating.
Yes, and we should be open to receiving them.
however that shouldn't be the only or primary reason you are with the person you are with. It should be about something much more.
When I said that the primary end of sex was reproduction, I was referring to the act itself, regardless of the participants' intentions. One need not enter into marriage with the
specific intention of having children, all that is required is that one remains open, in spirit and in practice, to the possibility.
Ignorance isn't bliss, I just expect more out people, like humanity, don't you think God's expectations are even higher?
You've thrown me on this one, because, at face value, I agree with this statement. You're understanding of what this entails in practice must differ significantly from mine, I assume, so feel free to explain what you mean.