Hey Terrie, nice to meet you, sis.

I love studying science and discussion theories with folks, too. The comment I made about "obession" was regarding people believing there's a huge conspiracy going on at NASA and with our government. It seems fear based, ya know? The Lord tells us not to be afraid and that He has everything under control. He also tells us He will not let us be deceived when we are walking in Him. That's the point I was making, does that make sense?
Here's an interesting commentary:
Why some people believe the world is flat, according to an astronomer - Business Insider[/QUOTE
Hi Auntie. Nice to meet you too! Thanks for the additional explanation. Obviously, in my world, more words - but not too many, like now - are preferred to less.
The Lord does tell us to not be afraid & so I'm not. He does tell us to wait on & trust in Him. I'm not afraid better than the other 2; yet, I do not worry about the future, or the conspracies, or the government. My only concern is whether or not I do what's Right in His Eyes and to do my best at it today.
You may be correct in your assessment of the obsession issue. People, as a general rule, do tend to get carried away. I've been known to do that a few times myself.

I will check out your link.