It's not the cause of your singleness. Everybody is responsible for their own actions. You didn't make anybody leave, they left because of their own thoughts and their own minds.
Personally, I'd be elated to find someone that's a virgin; providing she was loyal and kind and the things I would like from a woman.
Sex is not important (as something I need to have) to me and I'd hope she feels the same way.
Truthfully? No. Hmm, yes, some of this is true, we DO make our own decisions, but, in regards to love, that's right, FLESH love, you have MUCH help in becoming manipulated and deceived, and, that truth goes back to 'in the beginning' of time. Ephraimbro, when our minds cross that girl and we are zinged to her like a dope to a rope, wait, that wasn't picturesque, nor politically correct, now, was it? When our minds cross a girl we, SUDDENLY, have eyes for, and, we arabesque to her like a bee to honey, and she flits your way, too. NOW, when this happens, there are chemicals at work and natural reaction that supercedes rationality and, in many cases, that can even go to overriding our sanity. Why? Because Satan is REAL? Our flesh is real....
Romans 3 says that NO part of us good, nope, not one of us, and, nope, not any of us, BUT, Christ who is IN us is ALL good

But, we are at WAR! with the principalities of this world, right, there's a verse in 1 Corinthians for that. World=Satan and his demons and those Satan uses against us, sometimes, even, our so-called friends.
Let's be honest. Satan is REALLY deadly, Eve found that out in the garden, The Devil deception overtook Eve's sane, rational thinking which was......
Which was what, green?
God had given Eve her every need met, she needed nothing, not even clothes

Yet, she COULD still be deceived. Think about that a minute. Ok, done. Now, doesn't it SOUND INSANE to choose mere words from a complete STRANGER named 'Lucifer' who says you can be 'like God, knowing good and evil,' when you ALREADY were having been given EVERYTHING you ever NEEDED. Why you even need to know good and evil, like God, the one who made you and keeps you??? Apparently, we humans CAN be tempted even when we are PERFECTLY with needs met. Man's mind is quite complex, speaking here of 'man,' as 'woman,' but, of man as man, too, as, ole Adam was guilty, too, just as much so as Eve, more so even.
Yes, what happened when she ventured where God told her not to go? Death. Not because of her TRANSGRESSION alone either, it was TWO that tangoed with The Devil, and, ONLY after Adam's SIN did the walls of jericho come tumbling down, so to speak. These were not good things of faith, like Joshua doing as God said to walk around the mountain of Jericho 6 days and the walls would fall and you could enter and overtake the bad guys easy, this was a b-a-a-a-a-d tumbling, that came, ironic enough, from a lack of TRUST in God by Eve, and, yes, of course, Adam, too, which, in fact the bigger fault was Adam who should have told Satan which way to go (away! flee!) and NEVER come back.
So, I want to shorten this, brother, and, while were at it, this is to all miladies and dudebros, we MUST call on the power of God when we KNOW we are in situations where that "bee" is wanting us to do things that are not according to what we WANT our plans from God to beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Get it? Bee
Remember, God says, 'For I know the plans for you, plans for good and not evil, for a future and a hope." God never tells us, "I am going to MAKE your plans for you." This is from Jeremiah 29:11 for those not knowing this verse.
So, YES!, God allows us to make our own decisions, BUT, and, it's a big 'BUT,' WE MUST, ultimately, be strong, and, we can NEVER be strong on our ow
n, we must be STRONG in Him. He is strong enough.
I like that song by Matthew West, 'Strong Enough.' This video, I will post it, even has a section in there where the girl is telling the guy 'no,' and, what does she do in the video to truly get out of the situation. This MIGHT not seem rational but you may have to be strong enough to even DO what this girl did IF the guy just won't take 'no' for an answer.
I like what milady, kayEM says in her avatar, I think, it's still there, she has: Let Go. God's got this
He does. But, we MUST let Him be in control He is in control, right, so, let's let Him be in control of our lives
This video is three stories, watch the video, you will see what I mean, and, be strong enough to watch it all the way through, and, see how the Enemy works in ALL these people's lives...... With Him, though, in the shadows (watch the end of the video closely, and , see if you see something different, other than Matthew West walking away), of our minds, He is with us, in fact, He is us, He lives in us. 1 John 3:16-to the end, read it, after watching this video