For many people who say they are Christian, it's ok to be gay, for others it's not...for some, during their walk they decide it's something they no longer wish to do....for others, it remains ok. For all of us, we need to stop being judgemental. Stand for what we believe and allow others to live as they do. We can comment when asked and then, after answering Scripturally in love, leave it. We are told in the Bible not to argue the Word. It is clear, if some do not see it then they are to be loved, prayed for and we can trust that if they are indeed saved, Christ will work in their hearts. For many the Christian walk is not a sprint but a stagger

so let us leave God, who is the creator and the sustainer of ALL our faith, do His work in our hearts and not bang on! It does none of us any favors as the bride of Christ but simply sows hatred and division.
It is worth remembering something Christians would rather not focus on and conveniently ignore all the time. That is, that there is more in the Bible regarding gluttony than there is homosexuality. None of us are perfect! We are all broken pots...tarnished silver....and it is by the potters hands, the refiners fire that we are moulded and burnished....let us not be clanging cymbals but speak the truth in love, then let it be.
God Bless, <><