women are Christ's gift to guys everywhere, they complete us, they help us, and, not just in girlfriend, or, wife situation, but in other situations ,too, wherever and however God leads. That's the key, and, a girl having an image of being a girl that is treated like trash from a guy and that's the way it is supposed to be is not listening to God in her, His Spirit leading her to complete thinking that she is a special creation of Christ created for good purposes of great goodness for people all over as she follows Him in faith and trust. The Lord leads
My girl is donig better since hurting her leg somehow Thursday, I took her to vet Friday cuz I saw she was just not getting better at all, so, get x-ray results tomorrow or Wednesday likely and know more. Just praying, seeing how the Lord's leading this situation for me and it's been quite interesting so far, doing a lot of nurse work, I know what my mom, an RN for 30+ years, feels like . I am icing her hurt leg 3 times or so a day, and, giving her anti inflammatory medication and also calming medication but she hates it so I am going to go to pet store and see if I can get a different calming pill she is supposed to take for the next 3 weeks. She is on very limited daytime schedule but does seem to be taking it pretty well most of the time. I think, we get in a routine of moving slower for the next few weeks and the Lord leading it all will be all good no matter what . Kind of odd, but I think God knows I needed a little time like this in my life, I don't know.
But, yeah, He knows, He just knows everything for me that 's best and, guess what, he knows everything best, can we say 'perfect,' for you, too