One time, I threw up on the floor of a Home Depot. I mean, I didn't walk in with the intention to defile the place, and it had nothing to do with their poor customer service. Well, it could have been the hot dog stand out front of the place...not sure. Anyway, so I had a lot of people stare at me and disappear quickly because, I mean, hello...sick. Sickness is sick.
Um...I have some things I should be getting done today, things that don't involve telling gross stories.
By the way, Home Depot really ought to have more quickly accessible bathrooms. Or at least trash cans.
Yesterday at Home Depot I was checking out, the cashier was a middle aged man with a mop hair do, he looked at me and said, hi, in a low depressed voice, I said, Hi, how are you? He said he was good, the strip on my debt card is bad so I asked if he could punch it in like a credit card, uh I don't think so, he said, so I said really? Uh yeah, he said. So I asked if I could write a check, uh yeah, do you have a pen I can borrow, Uh, we short on pens today, so he asked the lady next to him, she responds, gosh I don't know. He found a pen, I wrote a check, I said do I make it out to just Home Depot, or THE Home Depot, well you're at Home Depot, I said that's not what I meant, but I'll make it out to Home Depot. When he bagged my stuff he put all six of my items in a smallish bag, I said, you know that chemical is pretty strong and I don't want the bag to rip and everything to fall out. Oh yeah, I'll give you two bags if that's what you want. Uh, yeah 2 bags if you think you can spare them.
I told my husband I think I was on one of those joke shows. I'm not exaggerating either, it was bizarre. I've had to search for people to help me in there, one time I had a man tell me to go up front and look it up on their web site. This is why if I could find TSP Phosphate anywhere else I wouldn't go to Home Depot. Nuts!