Such a load of religious contrived insecure wordy jargon that is unwholesome and unstable producing a false hope based on a wrong premise once again. Do you find yourself attracted to all of this so that you can find some kind of comradery and mutual comfort in your understanding of the scriptures? I don't think that any of these men even remotely know the nature and character behind the promises of God to make the subtle accusations they do against dispensational thinking. You want to be a partaker of their rational and the conclusions they saturate their minds and hearts with, go at it full force and continue to be corrupted by it. It's your choice.
(What the Bible Says About the People of God)
Dispensationalism is basically the method of interpreting the scriptures that sees two distinct peoples of God, with two distinct destinies: Israel and the Church. In various forms and among various groups,this idea has had a widespread influence – but is it biblical?
Following is a select list of tenets that many contemporary mainstream Dispensationalists would hold to, and a list of scripture passages that address these tenets. The list of distinctives represents a wide segment of popular Dispensationa lteachings; however, Dispensationalism is by no means a monolithic entity, and many self-professed Dispensationalists, particularly in the Progressive school, would not adhere to many of its points.
1.The Church is not the continuation of God's Old Testament people, but a distinct body born on the Day of Pentecost.
2.The Church is never equated with Israel in the New Testament, and Christians are not Jews, true Israel, etc.
3.The prophecies made to Israel in the Old Testament are not being fulfilled in the Church, nor will they ever be.
4.The Church does not participate in the New Covenant prophesied in the Old Testament; it is for ethnic Israel, and will be established in a future millennial kingdom.
5.The Old Testament saints were saved by faith alone, on the basis of the Calvary-work of Christ alone; however, the object of their faith was not Christ, but rather the revelation peculiar to their dispensation.
6.The Old Testament saints did not know of the coming “Church Age,” of the resurrection of Christ, or basically, of what we today call the gospel.
7.When Jesus came to earth, he offered the Jews a physical kingdom, but they rejected him.
8.When Jesus proclaimed “the gospel of the Kingdom,” it was the news about how ethnic Jews might enter and find rewards in this physical kingdom, and is to be distinguished from the gospel as defined in I Corinthians 15:3-4, which the apostles later proclaimed to the church.
9.After the Jews rejected Jesus' kingdom offer, he inaugurated a parenthetical “Church Age,”which will be concluded immediately before God again takes up his dealings with his national people, ethnic Israel.
10.During the “Church Age,” Jesus is not reigning from the throne of David; he is engaged instead in his priestly work, and his kingly work will take place in the future millennial kingdom.
11.At some unspecified but imminent time, Jesus will return (but not all the way to earth, just to the air) and rapture his Church, also called his Bride; for the following seven years, they will feast with him at the marriage supper of the Lamb; meanwhile, on earth, he will begin to deal with his national people, ethnic Israel, again, calling them to himself and preserving them in the midst of seven years of great tribulation; at the midpoint of which, the Antichrist will set himself up as god in the rebuilt Jewish temple, and demand worship from the world.
12.After these seven years, Christ will return, this time all the way to earth. He will defeat the forces of evil, bind Satan and cast him into a pit, and inaugurate the physical Jewish Kingdom that he had offered during his life on earth. The Jews who survived the tribulation will populate the earth during this blessed golden era, and the Christians will reign spiritually, in glorified bodies.
13.After these thousand years, Satan will be released and will gather an army from the offspring of the Jews who survived the tribulation. He will be finally defeated and cast into hell. At this time, the wicked dead will be resurrected and judged, whereas the righteous dead had already been resurrected one-thousand-seven years previously, at the rapture. Christ will then usher inthe New Heavens and New Earth, and the destinies of all mankind will be finalized.
Dispensationalists are divided as to whether or not there will remain a distinction between Christians and Jews in the New Earth.
1.The People of God
A)From the beginning, God selected one people alone, from all the earth.
Deu 7:6; 10:15; 14:2; Isa 41:8-9
B)This people would belong to him forever.
1Ki 6:13; 1Ch 17:9; Isa 60:19-21
C)He would cast off, or exile this people for a time, for covenant unfaithfulness.
Deu 28:63-68; 2Ki 17:20-24; 2Ch 36:13-21; Hos 1:4-6, 9
D)However, he would then gather them together again, and restore them.
Deu 30:4-9; Isa 10:21-23; Hos 1:7, 10-11; Amo 9:11
E)When he restored them, he would also expand them, forming them anew from every people onearth.
Isa 2:1-3; 11:9-16; 19:23-25; 24:13-15; 42:4-12; 49:1-12; 51:5; 60:1-9; 66:10-24; Hos 2:23; Zec2:10-13; Mal 1:11
F)The New Testament Church is the continuation of this one people.
Act 15:12-17; Rom 9:23-26; 11:11-32
[Whether or not one sees a future for ethnic Israel in this passage is beside the point: in any case, there is only one people of God, represented by the oneolive tree. Believing Gentiles have been grafted into this one tree, and unbelieving Jews brokenoff; but when they are grafted back in, it will be the same tree into which the Gentiles were grafted, God's only people, true Israel.]; Gal 3:7-8, 13-14; Eph 2:11-22; 3:5-6
G)Hence, New Testament believers are called Jews, Abraham's seed, etc.
Rom 2:28-29; 4:11-12; 9:6-8; Gal 3:6-7, 26-29; 4:21-31; Gal 6:16
[The Greek conjunction may mean either “and” or “even”/“namely”; hence the context must determine the meaning. If it is taken in the sense of “and,” so that “the Israel of God,” is a different body from the Church,then Paul is contradicting himself and undermining the whole point he has been making throughout his letter! However, if it means “even,” then the clear assertion that those who follow the “rule” of boasting only in the cross are in fact “the Israel of God,” becomes a very fitting conclusion, and reiterates all that he has been teaching.]; Phi 3:3; Heb 12:22-24; 1Pe2:9-12
[Some have said that these Jewish terms are applied to the Church by way of analogy, not identification. However, when Peter goes on to speak of these believers (some of whom areethnic Gentiles) in contrast with the “Gentiles,” he makes it clear that he actually is intending to refer to them as “Jews,” the well-known opposite of “Gentiles”.]; Rev 2:9
2.The Fulfillment of Prophecy
A)The true heir of the Old Testament promises is not ethnic Israel, but only Christ, the one Seed of Abraham.- Gal 3:16
Thus, everyone who is in Christ, which includes all believers, is a descendant of Abrahamand an heir of the promises made to him.Gal 3:28-29
B)The true fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies is frequently indicated in the New Testament.
The prophecy of restoring Israel was fulfilled by the calling of the Gentiles to be God's people.Act 15:13-18 (quoting Amos 9:11-12); Rom 9:22-26 (quoting Hosea 1:10; 2:23)
[The verses that Paul is quoting from Hosea are clearly speaking of “the house of Israel,” and say that she will be cast off, and no longer God's people; but then restored, and God's people again. Paul is here saying that this restoration of Israel as God's people is being fulfilled by God's calling out a people “not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles”.]
The prophecy of the New Covenant, made “with the house of Israel” (see Jeremiah 31:31-34), is fulfilled in the New Testament Church.Heb 8:6-13; 10:14-18; Mat 26:26-28; Mar 14:22-24; Luk 22:19-20; 1Co 11:23-25; 2Co 3:5-6
Some other prophecies and types interpreted in the New TestamentMat 2:14-15 (quoting Hosea 11:1)
[In context, Hosea is clearly referring to Israel; hence,Matthew sees Jesus as the true Israel, and the antitype of Israel's history.]; Mat 17:10-13(referring to Malachi 4:5); Joh 2:19-22
[Not only does Jesus here equate the Old Testament temple imagery with his own body, by means of which the presence of God truly was brought down to man; but furthermore, John explains that believing this Christ-centered interpretation was in fact to believe the Old Testament scriptures themselves.]; Act 2:14-21(quoting Joel 2:28-32)
[Most Dispensationalists will say that this prophecy is referring to Jesus' second coming, as their hermeneutic demands; but Peter clearly declares that it is being fulfilled in this age.]; Act 2:25-32 (quoting Psalm 16:8-11); Acts 2:33-36 (quoting Psalm 110:1); Rom 4:13-17 (quoting Genesis 17:5)
[According to Paul, the promise that Abraham would be the father of many nations was fulfilled when he became the father of all those who believed, from all the Gentile peoples.]; Gal 4:22-31 (quoting Isaiah 54:1 and Genesis 21:10); Heb 9:1-12 (interpreting the symbolism of the tabernacle and its worship services)
etc etc
bit it is
A SIN for BradC to read anything that refutes his beliefs. so he won`t read it.
by Nathan Pitchford