Jesus sees you with or without makeup.
Jesus sees you at your best, and at your worst.
He knows when you sleep, and when you rise. He knows your heart and where it's at.
And He loves you regardless.
God doesn't care about the looks, He cares about your HEART, and your relationship with Him.
I'm not giving this as an excuse to neglect your looks or personal hygiene (because, ew), or to dress immodestly.
I'm saying because I know there's insecure ladies on here looking at this, and that there's also ladies on here who are looking at this, believing that makeup is against Scripture (Rightly or wrongly? Don't care). I want it to be crystal clear, God loves you with or without makeup. There's no condemnation for those who wear makeup, or those who don't. Because in Christ Jesus, THERE IS NO CONDEMNATION.

If God convicts you about wearing makeup, then simply stop wearing it.
For those in Christ Jesus, the love of God is not limited.
We might not need certain things in the Kingdom of God, and there definitely won't be certain things in Heaven, such as internet, or TVs, or pastries. Does that make them all bad? No, not necessarily. But if you do wrong with these things, such as look at stuff you shouldn't, watch an evil show, or overeat, these things do become wrong, and a sin.
It's all about whose hands these things are in.

If they are in one of an evildoer, they will do evil. If they're in good hands, they too can be used to glorify the name of Jesus.
And people can do a whole lot worse in this world than putting on a little gloss and mascara.