Art, my brother, I have always been gentle with you, but as your sister in Christ I believe I need to speak up. Please know that I say this in love, and not in condemnation.
It does not matter if buckets agrees with you. It does not matter if you think she is wrong. She is your SISTER IN CHRIST. She is created in the image of God, she has CHRIST dwelling in her heart, and she is a daughter of the most high God.
If you had participated in more of our candid threads (as I have encouraged) and taken the time to get to know her, you would see her sweet spirit and profound love for Christ!
It is perfectly acceptable to disagree and even correct/rebuke one another. That is part of how we learn and grow!
But we ought to do so with a spirit of love and gentleness, ESPECIALLY if the brother or sister whom we are correcting is significantly younger.
It is true that Jesus himself sometimes used harsh words when he was rebuking others, but He only did that when facing those with truly prideful or wicked hearts. To everyone else, he spoke firmly and with conviction, but also with LOVE.
Men of God are charged to treat younger Christian women as they would treat their own sisters: with all purity. (1 Timothy 5:2) Would you call your sister a "Deceitful, fractious girl"? I pray that you would not.
Also, since I know you have a great desire to meet and marry a lovely woman of God (a wonderful goal, I might add!), I would encourage you to evaluate the manner in which you speak to young girls. A woman of God may witness your harshness and wonder if you would do the same thing to your future daughters, or even to your future wife. As a woman myself, my heart was in agony when I read your response to Buckets.
Just because someone disagrees with you does not give you the right to stop expressing kindness to them.
Even though I am extremely offended by the way you have treated our sister Buckets, and even though I vehemently disagree with some of your views and beliefs, I refuse to call you names or "yell" at you about it, because you are my brother. I know you will probably get angry with me for posting this, and others on the forum will probably be annoyed that I posted instead of simply ignoring the quarrel here.. but I prayed about it before posting and I still felt led to say something.
to Buckets: thank you for being a living, breathing example of 1 Timothy 4:12.
I love you!