The German christian nazi's sought a christianity that was racially
based christianity with Nazi ideology
German christians sang nationalist hymns that praised hitler, and
callled him savior.
Storm troopers of christ, the Germanic christians called
themselves the PEOPLES CHURC.
They demanded the de-Judaizing of Christianity and demanded
a liberation of christianity from the Un-German Old Testament,
and from St. Paul in the New testament
They claimed Jesus had not been a Jew
but a German ARyan hero who opposed all the Jews!
A German christian pastor in Wurtemmburg described the
"worst enemy of the church" as the "Jewish nature that has
infiltrated us"
(The Sabbath issue, which is throughout the whole Bible
Despite their small numbers
The German Christians used National church elections of
OTHER DENOMINATIONSon July 23 1933 to gain control
of all the other PROTESTANT CHURCHS who believed the
They recieved two thirds of the vote to capture most positions
from parish representatives to senior administrators at the
national level.
Bishops seats were all taken but three seats.
The newly formed German PRotestant Church battled non
complying protestants in a war called KIRCHENKAMPF
history has rewritten that to say this war was about trying to
"combat NAziism" in this war which is untrue
It was Nazism trying to eliminate the old testament and the
writings of Paul.
control churches when in fact it was all about controlling the
The new churches motive was to DECRY the Book of
Revelations assumption that christians were adopted Jews.
Barth the Lead chancellor failed to notice that the real reason
was hatred of all Jews!
They blamed the Jews for trying to destroy their children and
bring in doctrines that would destroy their Sunday keeping
churchs. and were trying to tear out the foundations of
Any Jewish converts were never allowed to hold any position,
they had to eliminate the old testament, the Sabbath and the
writings of PAul.
They said there would be a JEWISH PROBLEM until the Jews
would confess to the true faith and convert to aryian religion
giving full homage to Hitler and his CLEANSING OF THE
This was what NAzism was all about
Their doctrine eventually assumed
that since Jews killed christ they deserved to suffer in death with
This is how the nazi revolution started.
Through hijacking the churches
calling the Bible believers fundamentalists of old and New
and proclaiming they must be eliminated from all of society
before they destroy our childrnes religious believes with their
false doactrine
I bet you didnt know that
I did
the title of this thread is very offensive
it is hateful
it is hitler
it is the persecution of true Bible believers
it needs to be removed.
based christianity with Nazi ideology
German christians sang nationalist hymns that praised hitler, and
callled him savior.
Storm troopers of christ, the Germanic christians called
themselves the PEOPLES CHURC.
They demanded the de-Judaizing of Christianity and demanded
a liberation of christianity from the Un-German Old Testament,
and from St. Paul in the New testament
They claimed Jesus had not been a Jew
but a German ARyan hero who opposed all the Jews!
A German christian pastor in Wurtemmburg described the
"worst enemy of the church" as the "Jewish nature that has
infiltrated us"
(The Sabbath issue, which is throughout the whole Bible
Despite their small numbers
The German Christians used National church elections of
OTHER DENOMINATIONSon July 23 1933 to gain control
of all the other PROTESTANT CHURCHS who believed the
They recieved two thirds of the vote to capture most positions
from parish representatives to senior administrators at the
national level.
Bishops seats were all taken but three seats.
The newly formed German PRotestant Church battled non
complying protestants in a war called KIRCHENKAMPF
history has rewritten that to say this war was about trying to
"combat NAziism" in this war which is untrue
It was Nazism trying to eliminate the old testament and the
writings of Paul.
control churches when in fact it was all about controlling the
The new churches motive was to DECRY the Book of
Revelations assumption that christians were adopted Jews.
Barth the Lead chancellor failed to notice that the real reason
was hatred of all Jews!
They blamed the Jews for trying to destroy their children and
bring in doctrines that would destroy their Sunday keeping
churchs. and were trying to tear out the foundations of
Any Jewish converts were never allowed to hold any position,
they had to eliminate the old testament, the Sabbath and the
writings of PAul.
They said there would be a JEWISH PROBLEM until the Jews
would confess to the true faith and convert to aryian religion
giving full homage to Hitler and his CLEANSING OF THE
This was what NAzism was all about
Their doctrine eventually assumed
that since Jews killed christ they deserved to suffer in death with
This is how the nazi revolution started.
Through hijacking the churches
calling the Bible believers fundamentalists of old and New
and proclaiming they must be eliminated from all of society
before they destroy our childrnes religious believes with their
false doactrine
I bet you didnt know that
I did
the title of this thread is very offensive
it is hateful
it is hitler
it is the persecution of true Bible believers
it needs to be removed.