Thanks for everyone's responses. I thought I needed to clear a few things up. My bf has told me he hasn't looked at anything questionable since we started going out and I have no proof that he has since we've been in a relationship. He sort of has a filter thing on his computer and also has some kind of church spy ware though I know for a fact that it doesn't work well since I saw several of the pages when I went through his history and found many sites and they did not show up in the email that notifies you if hes been on any questionable sites. I've had his laptop for probably a month now, since mines been broken and I need one for school. Though he still has a computer at home and an i phone which do not have these things on them.
He tells me that he's not even tempted anymore and doesn't look at girls that way anymore at all. He said that all he needs is God to help him with it and that its no longer a problem. The fact that he says he's not struggling at all, makes me believe him less. Just as how many of you pointed out, its still a big struggle for you.
He tells me that he's not even tempted anymore and doesn't look at girls that way anymore at all. He said that all he needs is God to help him with it and that its no longer a problem. The fact that he says he's not struggling at all, makes me believe him less. Just as how many of you pointed out, its still a big struggle for you.