wrong. the death he removed was spiritual death. you where dead in tresspasses and sin he made alive through christ.
that is what born again means. you have been saved from your sin (the penalty) and made alive in christ.
How many false teachings of men have you grabbed onto anyway.
Spiritual death is a minor thing compared to physical death.
Here it is, clear as scripture can make it.
Adam sinned, was condemned to death, dust to dust Gen 3:19. Man became mortal. Subject to decay, corruption and death. So was the world. This death is confirmed in Rom 5:12, II Tim 1:10, Heb 2:9, Heb 2:14, I Cor 15:12-22,
That this death is what is being defeated, Rom 5:18 says LIFE is the Gift given to all men. I can hardly imagine that spiritual life being given to all men is what you would believe. That all men will be raised because Christ arose from the dead with our mortal nature giving it life, an eternal existence again. We shall all be raised I Cor 15:53 to immortality, incorruptibility. Rev 20:13, all the dead shall be raised.
Very simply, God didn't think it possible to have a relationship with a mortal being that had no eternal existence. What would be the purpose of having one ONLY in this life while we live a futile, purposeless biological existence?
Did you think Christ died a spiritual death and was raised spiritually, not physically?
John 6:39-40 contrasts these two deaths. vs 39 is the physical death being defeated and all men will be raised in the last day with vs 40 the sub-group, those that see and believe will be raised to be with Christ for an eternity.
By reconciling the world, Christ is giving man a choice, life or death, meaning, heaven or hell. He is not saving you from hell, but it is an option. Man is free to choose, just the very same commandment Adam had, life or death. The condemnation is different. His was physical, ours will be spiritual. Christ defeated the first, and made the second an option for man.
You were made alive, physically, so that you are now responsible for your sin. Being dead in trespasses and sins is the Adamic condition. We could have sinned all we wanted to, we all were already condemned to death, non existence.
Being born again is our spiritual renewal of the lost relationship Adam had with God that was to be for an eternity. He lost life, eternal existence. There was no purpose in God having a relatiionship with a man that was going to return to dust in a very short time.
I see two things you need to study, the error of Original Sin.
The Incarnation and its salvific content, why Christ needed to be Incarnate, become man, assume our mortal nature.