Hi Salty, I can truely imagine what you are going through. I am in the same situation. My wife is with other man, We been married for over 5 years now and have 2 kids. I just want to encourage you with the scripture that is about such situation.
The LORD said to me, "Go, show your love to your wife again, though she is loved by another man and is an adulteress. Love her as the LORD loves the Israelites, though they turn to other gods and love the sacred raisin cakes." Hosea 3:1
This is what I am doing still loving her as the Lord loves the church. I have forgiven her. It truely breaks my heart to break the family, once its broken it is forvever. if you have forgiven your husband with true heart, no matter what he did in the past, it shouldnt matter. it is burried, you have forgiven and forgotten. By doing this you are onoring God, your true forgiveness, love for him will change his life as long you are praying and standing on Word of God.
Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing". Luke 23:34.
Yes you dont have to go to same church where Faith attends, just change the church if possible.
Again your family is important, try not to break it if you have forgiven your husband already then now fix the issues you might still have with true forgiveness, true love, earnest prayers. Everyting will change, it will take a while, but you will get te desired results. God bless.
I have forgive..we are together and I am not divorcing him because there are benefits and I want to honor God for my commitment ..yet...sex is just not a beautiful thing anymore. I really would rather not. I oblige out of duty and this just makes-him pull away even more. We are nice and friendly with each other and sleep in the same room..talk about what needs to be done...bills etc...trash....clean up.... day to day things...that is about it. If I am alone it is okay. If he is there it is okay... I would rather much be celibate and and get a foot massage, full body massage or a back rub and prayer every night. That to me is what I call being intimate with this man and what I need the most . Is there hope? I really have forgivien..but I am working through this other stuff. HElp.