Well I have no tattoos, and am not a big fan of tattoos, though I never really give much a care if people have tattoos. Its frankly so common of my generation and the preceding generation that I hardly even notice anyones' tattoos.
However, I just wanted to chime in on the excuse people have that I see that is so common. People have reasoned (and not just on here but also in my personal life) they get a tattoo for a "conversation starter." I feel this is a flawed argument for getting a tattoo.
Ye need no tattoo to start a conversation about the Bible or Jesus I can assure you for I have no tattoos and have started such conversations with people of diverse backgrounds. All one must do is speak. Simply initiating conversation is free and painless, and more effective.
As for actually getting a tattoo, I would advise against it personally moreso for simple common sense reasons, but I am not sure if it is a sin or not